Four asylum seekers challenging the Secretary of State for the Home Department’s use of RAF Wethersfield as asylum accommodation are set to have their cases heard at a four-day trial in the Royal Court’s of Justice from 23-26 July 2024. The asylum seekers were granted permission...

In response to legal proceedings issued by Gold Jennings’ client “MS” in March 2024, the Home Secretary has admitted that the Home Office intentionally delayed the claims for permission to stay made by asylum seeking trafficking victims who were at the time earmarked for possible...

In a highly critical judgment yesterday, the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) severely criticised the Home Secretary’s flawed conduct in judicial proceedings brought by the Claimant, a Palestinian refugee, challenging the refusal to grant her a visa on the basis that her presence in...

We are delighted to welcome experienced solicitor Louise Eardley back to Gold Jennings. Having originally trained with us, Louise took up a position at Sinclairs Law upon qualification in August 2019. Louise has an excellent reputation in education law, community care, public and administrative law and human...

Following the previous ruling that the Home Secretary’s secret and blanket policy of seizing mobile phones and extracting data from migrants arriving by small boat was unlawful, the High Court on Friday 14 October 2022 took the unusual further step of holding another hearing to...

In a landmark judgment in R (HM, MA, & KH) v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2022] EWHC 695 (Admin) in March of this year, the High Court held that the Home Office’s blanket and secret policy of seizing mobile phones from asylum...

Today, the High Court ruled that the Home Secretary acted unlawfully and breached human rights and data protection laws by operating a secret, blanket policy of seizing, retaining and extracting data from the mobile phones of asylum seekers arriving by small boat. This claim for judicial...