23 Nov Family sue Leeds Hospital Trust for failing to preserve body of loved one
Matthew Gold and Company, solicitors represent the family of Emily Whelan deceased in a civil claim for damages against Leeds NHS Hospital Trust in a trial to commence in Leeds on the 24th November 2020. The Family claim that Emily’s body was badly decomposed and unfit to be viewed when it was transferred from the Leeds General Infirmary to the Bradford Mortuary on the 23th December 2016. This was in breach of the family rights under the Human Rights Act as Emily’s body was not shown dignity and respect. The Infirmary stored the body in a fridge instead of freezing it.
The family have suffered diagnosed psychiatric injuries as a rest of the being told of the decomposed body.
The Bradford Mortuary, who also only stored Emily’s body in a fridge, has accepted liability. The Trust denies liability and is defending the claim.
The case is covered in the Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/nov/23/emily-whelan-family-fear-daughter-killed-sue-leeds-nhs-trust-after-body-decomposes
Further articles:
Yorkshire Evening Post https://www.yorkshireeveningpost.co.uk/health/family-leeds-woman-25-whose-badly-decomposed-body-could-not-be-examined-suing-hospital-trust-3046067
The Sun https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/13272297/mystery-death-woman-feared-murdered-morgue-body-rot/
The family is represented by Matthew Gold and Nick Brown of Counsel, Doughty Street Chambers.
Mr Gold states “The family have had to endure not only the grief of Emily’s death but the terrible suffering knowing her body badly decomposed. They were unable to view Emily’s body. The family hope to obtain justice by proving that the Leeds General Infirmary was responsible and will be held to account for what happened.”